Denton Matters City Council Candidate Interviews: D2, Connie Baker

2 min readOct 24, 2020

Question 1: When asked about advancing inclusion and protecting civil rights, a common answer recently given by candidates is a pledge to “meet with local leaders.” What specific plans do you have to meet the needs of our diverse community? What have you done prior to this election to advance these causes?
Response: Every community needs to focus on assets and strengths. Using the skills and talents of the community by connecting with people . Involvement is a positive and encouraging impact.

Question 2: Did you support the city’s mask ordinance? Yes or No. What in your opinion would be your responsibility, as a city official, in protecting Denton’s citizens from COVID19 or similar threats?
Response: Yes, I support the mask ordinance. The economic recovery will take time. I know businesses want to re-open, but we still need to do this at a slow pace. We need to plan for additional waves by hand washing, wearing of masks and staying 6 ft. apart are still important. Until there is a vaccine, we need to remain careful and take measures to protect our citizens and businesses.

Question 3: Council Members pitch ideas for initiatives to have city staff research. At your first work session, after this election, what will be your first pitch to help the citizens of Denton?
Response: To promote economic growth in jobs and businesses. Support emergency services, improvement of streets, electrical, sewer and water systems.

Question 4: Our city will be facing a budget crisis due to reduced tax revenue. What, specifically, will you do to bring home recovery funds to assist Denton residents and businesses who are struggling with Covid-19 related economic challenges?
Response: Help to keep tax rates low. Helping citizens by not disconnecting utilities and delaying any evictions. Increasing local shelters for those in need, assisting food shelters and offering services for struggling businesses.

Question 5: What in your history/record qualifies you, above your challengers, for the seat you are seeking election?
Response: I have lived in Denton all my life. I retired from Denton County with 25 years of service. I have 23 years of law enforcement experience. I was elected Constable Pct 1 for 4 years. I have seen the progress of Denton over the years and hope to use my common sense to serve the citizens of Denton.

Question 6: The DEC Net projected Income is in the Red year over year and citizens have been informed that our energy rates will go up as a result. What are your plans to help resident ratepayers keep costs lower? Do you have any ideas or plans in place to assist with this?
Response: Not sure on this one. I would have to do further research on this project.




Denton Matters is a community of citizens organized to make Denton Tx the best town it can be.